Why an ‘unhappy’ team could be a sign of a successful Scrum Master
This blog post looks at measuring team happiness and how an ‘unhappy’ team could the a sign of a successful Scrum Master
Are Your team members Resourceful Thinkers?
The Scrum Guide states, “Scrum is not a process, technique, or definitive method. Rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques” Scrum Guide, P3 The Scrum Guide describes the roles that people might assume, the events that they need to attend, and the artefacts that should be produced. However, because Scrum is a […]
Are your team members Reflective Learners?
The Scrum framework provides a number of Scrum Events at which it is possible to reflect and learn, and, inspect and adapt using the progress that has been made to date as a yard stick. These events may occur at the beginning, during or end of a Sprint and include:- The Sprint Review. What have we […]
Does your team consist of Team Workers?
The word ‘team‘ is one of the most commonly used words in the Scrum Guide. References to the Scrum Team include: The team model in Scrum is designed to optimise flexibility, creativity, and productivity. Scrum teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximising opportunities for feedback. The Scrum Guide, p6 Whether you are using Scrum or another software delivery […]
4-4-2 or 4-3-3? What is your team formation?
The formation that a delivery team adopts is normally set out at the beginning of a piece of work during the Inception process. Some of questions that may be asked during an Inception are ‘what are the keys roles and competencies required for this delivery’ and ‘what does our A-Team look like’? The answers to […]