
Please contact us to enquire about the next available public course, or to discuss running a private in-house session. 

Enquire Now It is easy to confuse ‘doing Agile’ with ‘being Agile’. On this Introduction to Agile and Scrum course, attendees will be guided through a number of fun and interactive exercises where they will be shown and experience that Agile is not about following a set of defined rules or procedures, but requires a change in mindset in order to be successful. Attendees will be provided with an overview of Agile frameworks and methodologies, roles and ceremonies, common techniques and working practices and experience these in action.  This is the ideal course for individuals that are taking their first steps on their Agile journey.

Learning Objectives

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for anyone that is new to Agile, or considering working in a role that uses (or will use) Agile ways of working. This includes (but is not limited to):-